Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Opinions are like (*ahem), they're necessary

If it were up to me, I would be the only person to ever be given a ballot. How many times have you ever thought that same thing? Come on, don't lie....I know your with me. About this time of year it seems everyone has an opinion on something; I-1033 will destroy the universe (possibly true), the library is a vital part of our community and should be supported (true), Bob Severns will make an excellent City Councilman (an obvious choice since he is unopposed). Go into any coffee shop and listen, everyone has something to say.

When your the Director of a membership organization you are called on to lead and represent the diverse interests of a variety of business and community leaders. You make decisions, implement programs, and fund efforts all in the best interests of your members. But what happens when those members stop sharing, stop talking, stop brainstorming, or stop investing? What happens if they become complacent?

Not sharing your thoughts on how to strengthen the Chamber is a little like letting me be the only person with a ballot. Is that something you would really want? (I already know the answer, you don't have to be so adamant about it!) If you have ever had a great idea, share it. If you don't agree, speak up. Being a part of a community means that you have a chance to help mold this town into the place you would like it to be. So comment, share, engage. You may not always win....but you know at least your opinion was counted.

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